Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative: Orientation of Labour Contractors about the Building and Other Construction Workers (BOCW) act.

On 15th April 2023, Mst. Yash Agarwala, son of Mr. Gaurav Agarwala, Director, SDPL, gave an educating and informative orientation to the labour contractors about the BOCW Act, of Government of India.
The aim of this session was to educate and spread awareness among the labour and contractors about the benefits they can avail, if they enroll themselves under the BOCW Act, as most of the labour is unaware about the BOCW act. The entire session illustrated the detailed procedure, how to register at a min. cost of Rs. 85 for 5 years including the registration charges and the benefits associated with it. This will not only help the registered workers but will also help their families and can be truly life changing for them.
Few of the benefits of BOCW Act are mentioned below:
- Financial assistance of 10000 for natural delivery and 15000 for cesarean operation to the wife of the registered worker
- Rs.5000 for children studying in 11th and 12th grade and Rs.50,000 for children studying in medical or engineering colleges.
- Financial assistance of Rs.2,00,000 in case of a death of the registered worker to the legal heir,
- In case of an injury caused and injured up to 75% or more, Rs. 1,00,000 will be given as financial help.
- The workers get Rs.5000 to buy the tools they need for their work.
The session was attended by 9 contractors, each with a labour force ranging from 10-50 workers. With this session, we hope that the workers, who work for countless hours every day, are made aware of this truly beneficial act, register for it and take the benefits.